A quick intro

By Tanya S

Bienvenido! Welcome! My name is Tanya and I am full-time working mom with an intense passion for travel, hiking, adventure and photography. I caught the travel bug as a young adult after going on various trips to visit friends and family abroad. These trips led me to the world of studying abroad, which was an incredibly rewarding experience and a fantastic way to get college credits and travel simultaneously. After college, I had to slow down for a bit… you know, for normal things like earning an income and starting a family… but I am now in a place where I can pursue my passions again.

For a while I was taking a couple of international trips per year with domestic goodness sprinkled in between, but, as you know, the entire world was thrown for a loop in early 2020. I decided to adapt and overcome. I focused on my own backyard instead. I currently live in Arizona so I have been exploring a lot of hidden gems found here (there are so many!) and in the surrounding states. It wasn’t until I moved out to Arizona in 2011 that I discovered how much I love hiking and camping. I go quite often and am always craving the next adventure, whether it’s a family trip or a more difficult adult-only trip. Throughout the years I have tested my limits and continuously dialed in my gear. I still learn every day and look forward to seeing what the future brings. I have ambitious goals of thru-hiking the PCT and some of the other longer distance thru-hikes when the right opportunity presents itself.

I invite you to follow along as I discover new places and reminisce about the old. I am not very tech savvy so bare with me as I learn how to navigate the world of blogging and website building.